Home Remedies for Vertigo

It’s not easy living with vertigo. It’s also known as Meniere’s disease, and is the byproduct of poor inner ear balance. Aside from dizziness, there are other symptoms associated with Meniere’s. They include nausea, shaky hands, profuse sweating, eye movement, and a loss of orientation. It’s no easy affliction to live with, and it can cause quite a bit of discomfort among sufferers.

It’s not just an inconvenience, either. Meniere’s can pose a significant risk to one’s well-being and safety. Imagine getting dizzy and losing your bearing while driving, or operating machinery. Episodes, or short bursts of time when symptoms flare up, can last between 20 seconds and four hours. Vertigo can be life-threatening.

Conventional treatments exist, but they aren’t without their shortcomings. The unfortunate reality is that Vertigo can be tough to treat. Particularly in the United States. Constant rising costs of healthcare in the U.S. can make it difficult to see a specialist. Also, the general public tends to have a less-than-stellar understanding of Vertigo. Treating it can be just as frustrating as the disease itself!

Diseases like Meniere’s can fly under the radar. They don’t always get the attention they need. By extension, neither do patients and sufferers. The good news is Vertigo isn’t exactly the new kid on the block when it comes to uncomfortable illnesses. It’s been around at least as long as the earliest human medical records. One of your ancestors may have been a sufferer! That’s given the prevalence of vestibular disorders (like Meniere’s) among humans.

Home Remedies for Vertigo

Remedies are every bit as common in the home as they are in the professional setting. There are alternatives to seeing a specialist that may save a patient money and time. Many sufferers report having successes with remedies that are easy to explore at home. Some of the most popular home remedies for Vertigo are simple and effective. If you suffer from Vertigo, consider trying these remedies before taking any other action.

Sit Down and Fast!

When the world starts to spin, the environment becomes a hazard. Imbalance or dizziness from a spell can cause symptoms to worsen. Try laying down on your bed, face up, the moment you feel an onset of Vertigo symptoms. This should help you avoid any hazardous items in your path that could otherwise harm you.

The Epley and Semont Maneuvers

 There are actual, choreographed routines to help ease Vertigo symptoms. Best of all, you can perform them on your bed. Their names are “the Epley maneuver” and “the Semont maneuver,” respectively. They vary a bit, but you can find instructions for both here.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Getting good sleep helps our bodies regenerate energy. This allows us to coordinate ourselves much better. Poor sleeping habits tend to be a common behavior of Vertigo patients. So don’t forget to doze off — and for a full night’s rest.


There’s no substitute for water. When it comes to our health, drinking plenty of water throughout the day can keep is in great shape. It improves circulation, and keeps our bodies in good working order. By staying hydrated alone, you may be giving your body the energy it needs to ward off onsets of vertigo.


 As mentioned, Meniere’s disease often afflicts those with an inner-ear imbalance. Yoga, if you’re unfamiliar, is all about balance and body positioning. If you’re looking for a great workout routine that also improves balance, consider Yoga.

Lemon and Strawberry

One’s sweet, one’s sour. Both have a reputation for easing symptoms of Vertigo. If you’re a fan of either, up your intake.

Give some of these home remedies for Vertigo a shot. Sufferers all over the world report great success with many of these methods.

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Home Remedies for Vertigo
Inner ear problems are a hassle for many Americans. When symptoms hit, there are home remedies for vertigo that can help you feel better.
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Vitamin Insider
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